Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Monday, April 7, 2014
Ardunino Leonardo Heated Bed Temperature Controller
Ardunino Leonardo Heated Bed Temperature Controller
The temperature controller is attached to the prusa i3 and controlled by a serial connection over usb to the prusa i3 raspberry pi module that uses OCTOPRINT webserver to controll the prusa i3.
The controller uses a dual MOSFET chip to drive the current through the heated bed up to 12V 10A from a PC power supply. A freetronics arduino protoype board was used to mount the electronics on to.

Some close up pictures of the controller.
Two mosfets were connected in parallel and gates were connected as below with a pulll down 10k resistor each to pins 1 and 3 on the Arduino. These mosfets are switched opposingly with a maxium duty cycle of 50% each enough to handle 10A together. This is enough to drive a heated bed for the prusa i3.
The thermistor circuit was connected to arduino's analog pin A0.
This video shows the controller working with the printer.
Program Code
The timerone package must be installed in Ardunino 1.0.5
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
RCTank v1.2 Synchronous Drive using Hall Effect Sensors
Four magnets OD6mmx10mm were mounted in the main rotor tracks.

Using two ratiometric hall effect sensors.
UGN3503UA Hall Effect Sensor
Feed into an Arduino Leonardo through the analog ports A0 and A1.

Using two ratiometric hall effect sensors.
UGN3503UA Hall Effect Sensor
Feed into an Arduino Leonardo through the analog ports A0 and A1.
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#define DEBUGint v1,v2;int counthall1=0;int counthall2=0;
boolean rise1;uint32_t result1;uint32_t ulStart1; uint32_t count1;unsigned int result_array1[20];boolean rise2;uint32_t result2;uint32_t ulStart2; uint32_t count2;unsigned int result_array2[20];uint32_t hall_start1,hall_start2;uint32_t hall_result1,hall_result2;boolean trigger3,trigger4;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SETUP/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void setup(void){ pinMode(8,OUTPUT);//DIRA1 pinMode(9,OUTPUT);//DIRA2 pinMode(10,OUTPUT);//PWM SpeedA
pinMode(5,OUTPUT);//DIRB1 pinMode(7,OUTPUT);//DIRB2 pinMode(6,OUTPUT);//PWM SpeedB analogWrite(10,0);//slow stop digitalWrite(8,LOW); digitalWrite(9,LOW);
analogWrite(6,0);//slow stop digitalWrite(5,LOW); digitalWrite(7,LOW); pinMode(2,INPUT);//wireless channel 1 pinMode(3,INPUT);//wireless channel 2 pinMode(A1 ,INPUT); // set pin to input//digitalWrite(1, HIGH); // turn on pullup resistors pinMode(A0, INPUT); // set pin to input
rise1=false; rise2=false;
result1=0; result2=0; count1=0;count2=0; Serial.begin(115200);while(!Serial){}
// Print a message to the Serial. Serial.print("Tankie v1");
//delay(1000);//5-rs//6-rw//11-e /* digitalWrite(12, HIGH); //Establishes forward direction of Channel A digitalWrite(9, LOW); //Disengage the Brake for Channel A analogWrite(3,0); //Spins the motor on Channel A at full speed digitalWrite(13, HIGH); //Establishes forward direction of Channel A digitalWrite(8, LOW); //Disengage the Brake for Channel B analogWrite(11,0); //Spins the motor on Channel A at full speed delay(1000);*/ attachInterrupt(1, trigger1,CHANGE); attachInterrupt(0, trigger2,CHANGE); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MAIN LOOP//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
long t1=0,t2=0;double ratio=1.0,diff;double v=0.0; //void loop(void){ // Serial.print("t1:");Serial.print(result1);//Serial.print("\t"); //Serial.setCursor(0, 1); // Serial.print("t2:");Serial.println(result2); int throttle1=(result1-1500)/2;//(result2-1500)/2+(result1-1500)/4; int throttle2=(result2-1500)/2;//(result2-1500)/2-(result1-1500)/4; if(throttle1>5)v=v+(double)throttle1/300.0; else if(throttle1<-5)v=v+(double)throttle1/300.0; // else v=v/1.7;Serial.print("::V::("); Serial.print((int)v);Serial.print(")::"); if (v>255.9)v=255.0; if(v<-255.9)v=-255.0; if (v<50.0 && v>-50.0){ digitalWrite(8, LOW); digitalWrite(9,LOW); analogWrite(10,0); digitalWrite(5, LOW); digitalWrite(7,LOW); analogWrite(6,0); } else if(v>=50.0 || v<=-50.0){ if(v>=50.0){ digitalWrite(8, HIGH); digitalWrite(9,LOW); digitalWrite(7, HIGH); digitalWrite(5,LOW); } if(v<=-50.0){ digitalWrite(9, HIGH); digitalWrite(8,LOW); digitalWrite(5, HIGH); digitalWrite(7,LOW); } float delta_count=1.0*abs(counthall1-counthall2); float K=50.0; float dc_k=delta_count/K; float vr1=abs(v)*dc_k; float vr2=abs(v)/dc_k; if(counthall1<counthall2){ v1=vr1;} else if(counthall1>counthall2){ v1=vr2;} else v1=abs(v); if(v1>255)v1=255; analogWrite(10,v1); if(counthall1>counthall2){ v2=vr2;} else if(counthall1<counthall2){v2=vr1;} else v2=abs(v); if(v2>255)v2=255; analogWrite(6,v2); Serial.print("velocity("); Serial.print(v1);Serial.print(".||.");Serial.print(v2);Serial.print(")::"); } t2=t1; t1=micros(); int delta_t=t1-t2;Serial.print("delta_t:");Serial.print(delta_t);Serial.print(":::");int hall1=analogRead(A0);int hall2=analogRead(A1);if(hall1>500)trigger3=true;if(hall1<490 && trigger3){ trigger3=false; counthall1++; }
if(hall2>620)trigger4=true;if(hall2<590 && trigger4){ trigger4=false; counthall2++; }
Serial.print(" hallcount:(");Serial.print(counthall1);Serial.print(",");Serial.print(counthall2);Serial.print("):: ");
Serial.println(hall2); // Serial.print("ratio:");Serial.print(ratio); // Serial.print("v:");Serial.println(v); // print the number of seconds since reset: // Serial.print(micros());// Serial.print("\t");
}//END LOOP ////////////////////////////////
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Interrupt Service Routine attached to INT0 vector///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void trigger1(){
if(digitalRead(2) ) { rise1=true; ulStart1 = (uint32_t)micros();
} else if(rise1) { result1=(unsigned int)((uint32_t)(micros()) - ulStart1); rise1=false; } }
void trigger2(){ if(digitalRead(3) ) { rise2=true; ulStart2 = (uint32_t)micros();
} else if(rise2) { result2=(unsigned int)((uint32_t)(micros()) - ulStart2); rise2=false; }}
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